The King’s Church is all about Jesus.
Join us as we spread the fame of Jesus into every corner of Columbia. We can’t do this alone and you have a role to play. Drop us a line if you are interested in connecting to one of our leaders and finding your spot on the team.
Jesus is King.
Columbia, Missouri is a critical mission field in one of the fastest growing areas in the state. The home of Mizzou is an access point to people from all over the world.
We invite you to pray for us, consider sowing financially into this work, and if you would be so bold, even join us in what the Lord is up to.
Our ethos is simple: Jesus is King.
Come jump in!
What We’re About
We want to take seriously the Kingship of Jesus over Columbia. We aim to glorify Him by making disciples and planting life giving Churches.
We want to see the crown of Jesus pressed against all things in Columbia for the good of all Columbia.